Did You Know there are several possible natural disasters in Costa Rica?

Did You Know there are several possible natural disasters in Costa Rica?

Are you prepared if something happens during your vacation?

What Are the Possible Natural Disasters in Costa Rica?

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tropical storms, flooding, landslides, and tsunamis.


Earthquakes are pretty common here in Costa Rica. Fortunately, most buildings in Costa Rica are built with earthquakes in mind.

If an earthquake occurs...

The best thing to do if you are inside is to get in a door frame or crawl under a stable surface like a table.


There are currently five active volcanoes in Costa Rica.

If a volcano erupts...

Your goal is to get as far away from it as fast as possible. If you’re indoors, stay there.  Ash from volcanic eruptions can cause respiratory problems.

Tropical Storms

Tropical storms and hurricanes  are not very common in Costa Rica.  However, sometimes there are heavy rain storms which result in roads being washed out.

Want to find out more about natural disasters and how to protect yourself in Costa Rica? Swipe up for all the info including TONS of safety tips.