English Name: Passion Fruit How to Eat It: Make it in to a juice
English Name: Sour Guava How to Eat It: Make it into a juice or eat it with salt on in. Yum!
English Name: Granadilla How to Eat It: Split the fruit in half and suck out the insides. You can eat the seeds. It's a bit odd, but good.
English Name: Pejibaye How to Eat It: Boil them, peel off the skin, slice in half and eat with mayonnaise. Delicious!!
English Name: Soursop How to Eat It: It is best to eat this in smoothies or juices. On its own it is a bit stringy.
English Name: Dragon Fruit How to Eat It: Cut in half and spoon out the middle.
English Name: Rambutan How to Eat It: Peel off the crazy outside part and pop the white fruit in your mouth.
English Name: Mangosteen How to Eat It: Cut in half and eat the white fruit in the middle.
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