Costa Rica During easter and Holy Week

What to expect during tehe busiest travel time of the year

When is Easter?

This year (2024) Easter is held on Sunday, March 31. The week leading up to Easter Sunday is called Semana Santa (Holy Week) in Spanish.

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What to Expect During Easter in Costa Rica

Schools throughout Costa Rica are closed for the week before Easter and most people take the week (or at least Thursday and Friday) before Easter off of work. 

It creates the perfect storm because this is also a popular time for tourists to plan their vacations.  So, just expect a bit of craziness during Holy Week in Costa Rica.

Closures During Easter

You can expect a lot of businesses and things like banks to be closed on Holy Thursday and Good Friday

If you are flying into San Jose and plan to head to the beach you can expect bad traffic jams from Wednesday before Easter through Easter Sunday.

Driving During Semana Santa

– You can buy all your Easter meal favorites at any big grocery store in the country. –Big supermarkets sell Easter candy,. – Book accommodations as soon as possible to guarantee you get a place.

Want all the tips for visiting Costa Rica during Easter? Swipe up for advice from a couple who lives in Costa Rica

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